Playa Encanto Neighborhood Civil Asociation, A.C.


General Meeting

May 9, 2015

Gupton Residence, MZ 6 Lote 01; 22 Calle de Las Ballenas


President, Phil Canale called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.    

Board members introduced and present were:  President, Phil Canale; Past President, Jack Hall; Treasurer, Terry Creech; Vocals:  Matt Owens and Bert Cooper.  Also present was Sandra Bonebright, Substitute Secretary.  Absent were; Secretary, Merrill Smith-Loney; and Vocal, Al Ciasca.

President Canale gave a welcome and thanked Mr. and Mrs. Gupton for hosting the meeting.

Minutes of the February 7, 2015 meeting were approved as written by a motion made by Sherry Schaerges and seconded by Debra Jackley.

  Treasurer Report

Balance sheets and Profit and Loss Statements from January 1, through April 30, 2015, for both PENCA and the Utility Project were handed out. 

 Treasurer, Terry Creech, stated that as of April 30, 2014, PENCA Assets total $158,643.34  Since January, $141,271.41 has been collected in HOA Service Fees, and miscellaneous income, with expenditures of $55,891.05; leaving a net income of $85,350.36.       

  Utility Project:  As of April 30, 2012, National Bank had a balance of $129,521.36; Isabel Grey $5,895.68, and net income of 42.46, totaling current assets of $135,417.04

The Treasurer’s report was approved by a motion made by Carol Johnson and seconded by Sherry Schaerges.

Utility Project Update

Utility Project Manager, Jack Hall reported that after over six months of negotiating; the City and CFE have given PENCA legal permission to repair the exposed electrical pipes.  All exposed lines will be covered with caliche.  The Association will do the first repairs with CFE taking over the next repairs.

  It was assured that enough power is available for all Beach infrastructures; but demand fees for power are continually going up and we could lose the current government subsidy.



President Phil Canale announced that a search for a new tractor was in process. Wendell Holder requested that a letter asking for road improvements be sent to the city.  A new pump for the pond was purchased.      

Security and Trash

The guards have been instructed that trash left by non-paying residents should be returned to them.

There have been no security issues.  

Architectural Committee Report

Plans have been submitted for 3-4 projects.

Old Business

Street signs have been delivered. Forty-five signs will be installed; with the project beginning Monday, May 11.  Phil announced that the Board would be presenting a design, info and cost to build a public meeting area at the November meeting; for discussion and vote.

 New Business

President Canale announced that on Monday, November 16, following the November 14, PENCA Meeting, there will be a Bulk Trash pickup for the entire Encanto community.  This will include everyone who wants to participate.  It will be posted on our website and in the annual Newsletter.  Phil asked that residents tell their neighbors, so that all will be aware and prepared to take advantage of this opportunity.

With a letter of permission, the Board will take action to clean up the site of the burned house.

The positions of President Elect, Secretary and Vocal will be open and members are needed to run for these offices in the fall.   If anyone would like to nominate someone or run for office, please contact any Board member.    

After an Informal Open Question Forum and with a motion by Marv Sexton, seconded by Rafael Garcia, and so approved; the meeting was adjourned at 10:45 a.m.

Submitted by Sandra Bonebright, in Merrill Smith-Loney’s absence