Playa Encanto Neighborhood Civil Asociation, A.C.

 General Meeting

February 7, 2015

Jackley Residence, MZ.17 Lote 9; 285 Langostinos


President Phil Canale called the meeting to order at 10:05  a.m.

Phil thanked Tom and Debra Jackley for hosting the meeting.

Board members introduced and present were: President, Phil Canale; Secretary Merrill Smith-Loney; Treasurer Terry Creech; Vocals: Bert Cooper, Al Ciasca, and Matt Owens; 

Minutes from November 15, 2014 meeting were approved as written by a motion made by Cris Ciasca and seconded by Debra Jackley.

Treasurer’s Report

Terry Creech presented the Treasurer’s Report.

As of January 31, 2015 our current assets equal $128,896.04 with $119.049.82 deposited with Chase Bank.  In January our revenue was $68,729.87 and our expenses were $13,096.81 for a net income of $55,633.06.

Terry Creech presented the financial report on the utility project.

As of January 31, 2015 our current assets equal $135,385.12, with no expenses during this time.  A question was asked about ongoing utility project expenses.  Jack Hall explained that funds are needed for additional demand.

The treasurer’s report was approved by a motion made by Debra Jackley and seconded by Grant Mackenzie.


Phil Canale stated that Jack Hall will be managing grading of the roads and fixing the speed bumps.

Security and Trash

Phil Canale stated that the guards are continuing to do a good job.  He explained that garbage continued to be a problem.  He asked for members to report any sightings of bad behavior among non-payers to the board.

Architectural Committee Report

Al Ciasca reported that there is one house and one garage currently under construction. 

Old Business

Debra Jackley asked about progress with the Sand Dollar group.  Phil told the members that we are reaching out to individual owners to get dues.

Marv Sexton asked about street signs.  Marilyn Hall reported that she has a bid out for aluminum signs with a 10 year lifetime.                                                                                                                                                                    

New Business

No new business was brought forth for discussion.

Open Question Forum

The open trenches with the CFE pipes was brought up.  Phil Canale reported that the attorney (Rogelio) has reached an agreement with CFE to fill in the dirt.

A question was asked about the building going on the dirt road.  No one knows a definite answer.

The library hours were asked about.  If the library is closed during business hours, just ask the guards to open it and they will respond.

The roads were discussed again, and Phil said that he will continue to work with the new grader to  crown the roads.  We may need to look into purchasing a grader, but there is a bigger issue with maintenance.  The outlying communities continue to contribute to road maintenance.

With a motion by Dan Freeman and seconded by Debra Jackley, the meeting was adjourned at 10:42.

Merrill Smith-Loney, Secretary