Playa Encanto Neighborhood Civil Asociation, A.C.

 General Meeting

November 3, 2012

Sherry and Georgia Schaerges “Casa Dos Hermanas”    307 Langostinos


President Jack Hall was unable to attend.  Past President George Stavros ran the meeting in his place.

Past President George Stavros called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m.  Members were counted with a Quorum in Attendance.

The PENCA By Laws, officially accepted and registered in Mexico in 1993, are the Legal Structure for Playa Encanto Neighborhood Civil Asociation, A.C. which was officially incorporated in September of 1992.   Article 5, No. 2 of the By Laws states the association’s corporate purpose is:  to create, promote and support the delivery and maintenance of public works in the area of trash collection, patrolling and public security, roads and walkways, sidewalks, rain drainage and sewers as well as electric power and street lighting for the aforementioned subdivision.   Article 9, states that the duties of the Association’s members are as follows:  A) To comply with the current bylaws, B) pay the dues which will be set by the Board of Directors with the approval of the General Members Meeting in order to accomplish the corporate purpose of the association.  Article 12, The General Members Meeting is the governing body of the association and its membership is made up of all the members in good standing who have paid their association dues and have not lost the standing as members.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Board members present and approved were: Past President, George Stavros; Treasurer and Utility Project Treasurer, Cris Ciasca;  Secretary, Merrill Smith-Loney;  Treasurer-in-training, Terry Creech; Vocals:  Matt Owens, Dave Feltman and Nick Appleton; Architectural Committee Chairman Brent Erekson.

Debbie Malinowsky and Tom McCracken were designated and approved as official vote counters.

Minutes of the May 14, 2012 meeting were approved as written by a motion made by Grant McKenzie and seconded by Phil Canale.

Treasurer Report

Balance Sheets and Profit and Loss Statements through September 30, 2012 for both PENCA and the Utility Project were distributed. 

Treasurer, Cris Ciasca reported that as of September 30, 2012 current assets equal $89,435.75, with current liabilities equaling $6,500.00.  Since January, $165,899.46 has been collected in HOA fees and miscellaneous income, with expenditures of $109,552.03.  Monthly expenses average $11,500-$13,000 per month.  Extra expenses this year have been higher costs for caliche and water for the roads.     

Utility Project Treasurer, Cris Ciasca reported that from January 2007 through September 30, 2012, $3,494,257.99 has been collected; with total expenses of $3,337,474.12, and current assets of $156,783.87.  A portion of the utility funds will pay for the future placement of pedestals. In order to receive a letter of authorization from PENCA for the installation of an electric meter, Service fees must be current, a copy of paid property taxes and an official address from the city along with an electric demand form must be submitted to CFE. The pedestal MUST have the address in order for CFE to place the meter. The utility funds are separate and not co-mingled with service funds

The Treasurer’s report was approved and accepted with a motion by Gary Bonebright, seconded by Jack Garrity.

2013 Proposed Budget

Treasurer, Cris Ciasca presented the 2013 Proposed Budget; with Service Fees remaining at $800.00 per Unit and $125.00 per lot. The projection for 2013 is less than it was for 2012.  With a motion made by Brent Erekson, Nick Appleton and seconded Marianne Appleton  and a vote by the members the 2013 Budget was accepted.  

Nomination and Election of Officers

Phil Canale volunteered and was elected President-Elect .  Terry Creech volunteered and was elected to fill the position of Treasurer.  Al Ciasca, Tom Giljum, Dave Feldman, and Bert Cooper were nominated for one Vocal position.  Al Ciasca was elected to fill the position of vocal.  All newly elected officers begin their duty on January 1, 2013

With a nomination by Dan Freeman, seconded by Brent Erekson the Mexican Corporation Meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.


Merrill Smith-Loney, Secretary


Continued with General Meeting

Electric Report

One resident reported to have paid for 2 meters and only received one.  Since the Halls were not in attendance to address this, Brent Erekson volunteered to look into this.

Note:  Per Marilyn Hall, this has been taken care of.


Two break-ins reported in the Spring are believed to be from renters on the beach.  Pedro is doing a good job managing the guards and frequently reports status to Jack Hall, or Mike Hill in Jack’s absence.

Architectural Committee

Brent Erekson gave the Architecture report.  Currently 3 houses are under construction.  The key issues with construction are trash and portable toilets.

Old business

There was no old business to discuss.

New business

There was a proposal to take the old office and convert it to a library.  This will probably need a committee to be formed.

Nick Appleton presented a talk on beach erosion.  He suggested a research book called “Against the Tide” explaining the science.  Grant spoke about problems faced by Las Conchas.  George proposed forming a committee to look into different options: planting, beach replenishment, etc.

Terry Creech was commended for his collection efforts and web site work.

Sharon Hill gave a talk on the rice and beans program. Please visit the web site at for more info about the rice and beans program and the different organizations that donations are distributed to.  

George and Susie run the medical clinics monthly. For more information on dates and volunteers needed please visit the web site at 

With a nomination by Mike Hill and seconded by Matt Owens, the general meeting was adjourned at 10:55.

Merrill Smith-Loney, Secretary