Playa Encanto Neighborhood Civil Asociation, A.C.


General Meeting

May 10, 2014

Cairns Residence, MZ. 37 Lote 1; 99 Mantarrayas


President Phil Canale called the meeting to order at 10:10 a.m.

Thank you to Laurie Cairns for hosting the meeting at her house.

Board members introduced and present were: President, Phil Canale; Secretary Merrill Smith-Loney; Treasurer Terry Creech; Vocals: Bert Cooper, Al Ciasca, and Matt Owens; 

Minutes from February 8, 2014 meeting were approved as written by a motion made by Cris Ciasca and seconded by Mary Ann Appleton.

Treasurer’s Report

Terry Creech presented the Treasurer’s Report.

As of April 30, 2014 our current assets equal $147,080.52 with $141,488.73 deposited with Chase Bank.  To date, our revenue is $139,649.37 and our expenses are $58,686.85 for a net income of $80,962.52.

Terry Creech presented the financial report on the utility project.

As of April 30, 2014 our current assets equal $83,685.72, with no expenses during this time.

The treasurer’s report was approved by a motion made by Bruce Baldwin and seconded by Nick Appleton.


President Phil Canale reported that the neighboring associations are now contributing to the maintenance of the roads.  He reported that Dan Freeman has worked on a committee to try a new product to test the road that will seal it and preclude the need to water the road.  The main road will still be graded.  A .4 mile section of road has been selected and will be treated hopefully by the end of the month.  Dan stated that the product is supposed to be a permanent treatment, although the manufacturer suggests retreatment every five years.

Security and Trash

President Phil Canale announced that there have been no break-ins and credited the guards with doing a good job.

Phil stated that the guards have been told to watch for illegal dumping of construction debris and trash.

Architectural Committee Report

Al Ciasca reported that there is a complete remodel being done at Judy Taylor’s house.  He has been in contact with the owner and contractor and they are willing to work with the HOA to clean up their site.  Al asked the owners to be vigilant about curbing illegal dumping on the dunes.

Old Business

Chantai Creech reported on the need for emergency response instruction.  She told of a medical situation where Antonio Martinez, one of the guards, was able to provide assistance and arrange for medical treatment and transportation back to Tucson.  She is working with George Stavros to arrange for the guards to get CPR training and a first aid kit.  Some of the members expressed interest in supplying the guard shack with a defibrillator.

There was a discussion to supply the guard shack with a phone line.

The PE website has been re-hosted and the website may need to be refreshed.  Terry Creech explained how to accomplish getting to the new site, with the same address.                              

New Business

President Phil Canale opened a discussion to respond to the letter that one of the Sand Dollar owners have distributed on the beach.  Bert Cooper has put together a packet for the members to review.  Any questions can be directed to Bert, Phil Canale or Terry Creech. 

Matt Owens addressed some concerns about the acrimony at the beach, aside from the Sand Dollar issue.  He emphasized to email any suggestions or concerns to him.

Bert Cooper explained the mechanisms behind the board’s response to the Sand Dollar issue.

It was agreed that both the letter from the Sand Dollar LLC and the board response will be posted on the PENCA website.

Open Question Forum

The floor was opened for member discussion.  With a motion by Ward Bell and seconded by Todd Wiekhorst, the meeting was adjourned at 10:30.

Merrill Smith-Loney, Secretary