Playa Encanto Neighborhood Civil Asociation, A.C.


Agenda for Meeting

                                                                                                     November 14, 2015                                                                                                     

                            Time 9:45 Sign In                             

          Casa San Miguel MZ 37 Lote 8   (85 Mantarrayas)



Welcome and Call to Order                                                                                               Phil Canale


  The By Laws, officially accepted and registered in Mexico in 1993, are the Legal Structure for Playa Encanto Neighborhood Civil Asociation, A.C. which was officially incorporated in September of 1992.

  Article 5, No. 2 of the By Laws states the association’s corporate purpose which is: to create, promote and support the delivery and maintenance of public works in the area of trash collection, patrolling and public security, roads and walkways, sidewalks, rain drainage and sewers as well as electric power and street lighting for the aforementioned subdivision.

Article 9. States that the duties of the association members are as follows, A) To comply with the current bylaws, B) pay the dues which will be set by the Board of Directors with the approval of the General Members Meeting in order to accomplish the corporate purpose of the association.

Article 12. The General Members Meeting is the governing body of the association and its membership is made up of all the members in good standing who have paid the association dues and have not lost the standing as members.


                Approval of Officers for Meeting

                Designation of Vote Counters

                Report of Board Activities


Approval of Minutes from May 9, 2015                                                                       Sharon Hill (for Merrill Smith-Loney)


Utility Project/Treasurer’s Report                                                                              Terry Creech


Service Fee Structure Review/Terry Creech                                                                                     Phil Canale                                                                                        


Proposal of 2016 Budget                                                                                          Terry Creech


Nomination and Election of Board Members                                                                  Phil Canale

·          Vocals (2)

·          Secretary

     ·          President


Adjournment of Mexican Corporation Meeting


Update on Electricity                                                                                               Jack Hall


Roads, Security and Trash                                                                                        Phil Canale


Architectural Committee Report                                                                                  Al Ciasca


Old Business                                                                                                           Phil Canale


New Business                                                                                                          Phil Canale

·          Request from Tom Giljum to address the members regarding trash


Adjourn                                                                                                                   Phil Canale


Pot Luck to Follow Meeting:   A-L Main Dish or Salad; M-Z Dessert